Monday, June 10, 2013

6th grade 2 point castles

I wanted to share some 6th grade success stories from a project idea I received at conference. Teaching two point perspective to 6th graders can be a challenge. I have tried many different projects but the two point perspective castles have been the most successful by far. We begin by learning how to do a simple two point perspective box. We do not move on to anything else until we have learned to do a box. I then show them how to do windows, doors, attach boxes, and a few other castle details. I gave my students two whole class periods to plan out their castles. This was a very time consuming project but it had great results. I gave my students the choice between doing their castles in color and doing them in black and white. I also passed out a hand out with different tree shapes to help them get landscaping ideas.

Students cut their castles/ground out and glued them to construction paper. This gave the pictures a little bit of pop.

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